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Recurring Periods

Important information on how Recurring Periods function

Updated over a week ago

Every Survey created within Workhub needs to have a Recurring Period assigned. The Recurring Period is the length of time a Survey will collect responses from your Workers on the Survey you have created. This period will repeat as long as the the Survey is Active and assigned to your Workers.

The Recurring Periods available to choose from for each Survey you create include:

  • Monthly

  • Quarterly

  • Bi-annually

  • Annually

These periods will always conform to the calendar year, so you can anticipate the Recurring Periods to follow this structure:

  • Monthly: January 1 - 31, February 1 - 28/29, March 1 - 31, etc.

  • Quarterly:

    • Q1: January 1 - March 31

    • Q2: April 1 - June 30

    • Q3: July 1- September 30

    • Q4: October 1 - December 31

  • Bi-Annually:

    • H1: January 1 - June 30

    • H2: July 1 - December 31

  • Annually: January 1 - December 31

A Special Case for Annual Survey Periods

If you choose the Monthly, Quarterly, or Bi-Annually periods, your Workers will be able to submit their responses during any time in that window. However, if you choose the Annually period, you will be prompted to select a window within which to solicit responses from your Workers. Selecting an Opening Date and Closing Date means you can limit your responses to a specific time frame within your year, if you wish.

Your Opening and Closing dates must be within the same year. You will not be able to select a period that falls between years, such as December 15th to January 15th.

You can make this as broad a period as you like - you can set your Opening Date to January 1st and your Closing Date to December 31st, if you see fit. However, keep in mind that a broad window like that means you may be reviewing feedback from issues that Workers submitted nearly a year before, which means the issues may no longer be of concern or may be too far past addressing!

You will be able to review the responses for an Annually Recurring Period after the closing date, so choosing a Closing Date that allows you to review responses that are relevant and at a time when you have the resources to fully address the concerns is your best bet. For example, having your Closing Date set to December 31st might mean your administrators are away for holidays or are otherwise out of office and won't see the results right away.

Permanence of the Recurring Period

The choice of Recurring Period is a permanent choice for each Survey you create. This permanence is to ensure the consistency of the data you're generating by administering your Surveys! A uniform Recurring Period means the data you're collecting will be more reliable and accurate from period to period.

In our previous version of Surveys, administrators were able to change the Recurring Period for a Survey (which was then referred to as Frequency). The changes in frequency meant that responses collected over the span of a Quarter was being compared with the responses collected over half a year or a whole year with no indication that the frequency had changed. With so much room for skewed results, the changes we have made to Surveys were necessary to ensure any data collected moving forward was reliable and comparable period over period.

Because this functionality differs from the previous iteration of Surveys, we have also added the ability to Import/Copy the questions from another existing Survey within your Workhub account. If you've created your Survey but need to change the Recurring Period, you can create a new Survey and copy the questions you had created rather than spending the time to recreate those questions.

Closing Soon Reminder

The Closing Soon Reminder is tied to your Recurring Period. The Closing Soon Reminder allows to you choose when your Workers will be reminded that the Survey is coming to a close for that period.

The Closing Soon Reminder allows you to select how soon before the closure of your Survey period the reminder is applied. The options include:

  • 2 weeks

  • 1 month

  • 2 months

  • 3 months

Ensuring you have a Closing Soon Reminder that's suited to the Recurring Period is important. For example, if you have your Recurring Period set to Quarterly, having the Closing Soon Reminder set to 2 months before the end of the period means only one month will have elapsed in the Quarter before your Workers see the reminder.

The choices that are available for each Recurring Period are:

  • Monthly: 2 weeks

  • Quarterly: 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months

  • Bi-Annually: 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months

  • Annually: 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months

Workers will see a gold Closing Soon message on their Surveys component on the Worker Dash if there are active Surveys that are approaching the end of their Recurring Period.

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