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How to complete a Survey as a Worker
How to complete a Survey as a Worker

Have your say by filling out your organization's surveys

Updated over a week ago

Surveys are created by the administrators for your organization's Workhub account to gauge their team's sentiments about a whole host of topics. When created, these surveys will appear on your Worker dashboard for you to fill out on a regular basis.

Submitting your Responses

When you have logged into your Workhub account and have Surveys assigned to you, you'll see a component like the above image on your desktop. The red notification will let you know how many Surveys that are assigned to you need to be completed. If you have completed Surveys, that number will appear in green. You may see both green and red notifications on that component, depending how many you have completed!

To view the Surveys that you need to complete, click on the Surveys component.

In the component, you will see a list of the Surveys assigned to you. Each Survey will have a status associated with it to let you know what action you need to take. Any Survey that needs a response from you will be marked in red as To Do. Click into any Survey with that Status to respond.

Within the Survey you've clicked into, you will see a list of statements along the left side of the page. You can submit your opinion on the listed statement by using the star rating options under the My Rating column. Each star represents a different level of agreement:

  • 1 Star: Strongly Disagree

  • 2 Stars: Somewhat Disagree

  • 3 Stars: Neutral

  • 4 Stars: Somewhat Agree

  • 5 Stars: Strongly Agree

You can add a comment to any of the lines that you have provided a rating on by clicking the blue comment icon on the right side of the line.

After clicking the comment icon, a line will appear for you to add your comment. You will also see a toggle to Post Anonymously. This is on be default to allow you to submit a comment without worrying about your name being associated with it, but you can choose to turn it off if you would like the comment posted with your name! If you clicked the comment icon accidentally or decide against adding a comment, you can click the Trash icon to remove your comment.

Your Admins can choose to make it mandatory for you to enter a comment on a rating if you've selected a specific rating (or anything below that level). If so, you'll see the comment field appear automatically and a red asterisk will appear in the Add a Comment field. You will need to add a comment to go with your rating for the Survey to be submitted. You can still submit this comment anonymously, so don't fear that your anonymity is at stake by rating something low!

Once you have filled out all your ratings and added any necessary or desired comments, click the Submit Survey button in the top right corner to finalize your submission.

Your page will notify you that your submission was completed. You'll see details about the next time you'll be able to submit a response to that particular Survey at the top of the page. That date is dependent on the recurring period the Admins for your team have chosen for that particular Survey. You will also see a button to Review the previous period's results if you would like, and a summary of that period's details in the main body of the page!

In every Survey you respond to, you will see a box on the right portion of the screen outlining the Survey Period. The Survey Period is the length of time the current Survey will be administered. You can only submit your responses to a Survey once per period.

The dates for the beginning and end of the current survey period will be visible within that box, listed left to right. You can anticipate being asked to fill in the same survey in the next period, after the closing date listed on the right side of the box.

Reviewing prior period results

If you would like to review the results of a particular Survey from prior periods, you can do that! To do so, you can click into your desired Survey from the Survey list and navigate to the History tab along the top of the screen.

In the History tab, you will see the results from previous periods. Each period's dates will be outlined in the Survey Period column, and the average rating will be displayed in the Period Rating column. The Trend column will indicate the general trend of results between the period it appears for the the period before that with valid results. If any Comments were left during the Survey period, the number will appear in the Comments column. If any Action Items were created, a number will appear in the Action Items column. Finally, your response status for that period will appear in the Status column.

To view the details for any particular period, simply click on the line for that period. If any period is shown with greyed out stars and a lock icon, that means there were not enough responses for the anonymity of respondents to be maintained. As such, the results will not be visible to workers or to admins. We want to ensure workers feel safe providing their feedback!

When you click into a particular Survey's history, you'll see the statements arranged as you would see them to fill the Survey out.

In the Average Rating column, you'll see the overall average of all the responses submitted by respondents.

The Rating Detail column will outline what percentage of responses fell under which star ratings, with bar graphs providing a visual aid.
The Trend column will indicate the trend for each particular question from the previous period to this survey.

The Comments column will indicate how many comments each question received. You will see the comments that were added for each question.

  • If you are reviewing the results from the most recently concluded period, you will be able to upvote comments and you will also be able to reply to comments

  • If you are reviewing results from survey periods prior to the most recent period, you will not be able to add comments or upvote comments

The Action Items column will indicate if any Action Items were created by an administrator to address something in a comment.

Finally, on the right portion of the page you will see the overall totals for the survey period, including the overall Period Rating, the Trend, total Comments, and overall Response Rate.

As with any element of Workhub, if you have any questions we are happy to help you out. You can contact our Support team by emailing [email protected] or by clicking the orange question mark in the bottom left corner of any Workhub page.

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