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Locations & Divisions

How locations & division affect your organization and how you can leverage them for tight control of your Workhub account.

Updated over a week ago

Locations are way to group your workers. This is useful for compliance reporting, assigning requirements, permission restrictions, and sending out bulletin communications grouped by location.

Divisions allow you to group your locations. Workers are not assigned to divisions, but rather to the locations that belong to a division. Divisions allow you to segment compliance and restrict access for admins to only see workers/compliance/records/equipment/etc. that belong to their division.

Both act similarly with the exception of assignments: you can only add assignments for locations and not for divisions.

When setting up your Workhub account you can change how you use locations and divisions. Some think of them as business units/cities or provinces/cities, while some use them as departments such as field/job site. Regardless of the way you set it up, you have two levels to organize your workers. 

Create New Locations and Divisions

To add a new Location or Division, you can head to Locations and click the Add New button. You can choose Location or Division, whichever you're trying to create.

When creating a new Location, the only field that is mandatory is the Location Name. All other fields are optional. If you have created Divisions within your component, you can choose a Division to list your Location within by using the Division drop-down beneath the Location image.

When creating a new Division, again the only mandatory field is the Division Name. Unlike Locations, Divisions don't have any additional information.

Once you have created your Locations and Divisions, you can move your Locations within their desired Divisions. You can organize these however best works for your organization.

Limiting Access

A function of Locations & Divisions is the ability to limit the access of the Workers to those specific Locations and Divisions. This can be useful if you have large projects that involve a lot of Workers, but you don't necessarily want those Workers to be viewing items that are available to the rest of the account.

For instance, let's say you have contracted a company to help complete a project. The Workers can be created in your Workhub account and a Location for them (Contractor A) can be created. You don't want those contractors to be able to view the Inspections, Forms, or Incidents being submitted by folks through the rest of the organization, but you still want to be able to assign them training and monitor their compliance and progress. Limiting by Location means they'll only see the items associated with their Location. The same goes for Admins - you can limit their access by Location and they'll only be able to administer workers and items for their Location!

To limit access for your Workers, either by Location or by Division, you'll need to start on your Admin dash and open the Positions & Roles component. From the Positions list, click into a Position you want to limit access for.

On the right side of the page, you'll see the Position Settings box, and a drop-down option for Limit Access:

Here you can choose which level you want to restrict that Position's access by between your Divisions and Locations. If you choose Location, your Workers in that Position will only be able to see information set as relevant to their Location. If you choose Division, the Workers will be able to see information relevant to all Locations within that Division.

What do I do about single locations that belong to multiple divisions?

If you have say a 'construction' and a 'transport' division both based out of Calgary, you can't associate Calgary with both divisions. You would instead create two Calgary locations but name them with the relevant division in their titles. So 'Calgary - Construction' and 'Calgary - Transport'. Both would then be assigned to their appropriate divisions.

You technically can create two locations with the same name, but since there are many drop downs in the software to filter lists to a specific location you then wouldn't be able to tell the difference between locations as they would appear as Calgary and Calgary. You can see what we mean in the example below from the worker list where we've created two 'Head Office" locations in our account:

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