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All about creating new positions and how they help manage safety requirements for your workers.

Updated over a year ago


Every worker profile you create on Workhub needs to be given a position. Positions are thought of as Job Roles in many companies and these job roles determine the requirements that are assigned to your workers. Positions are therefore the backbone of assigning requirements on Workhub. Although you can also assign items to workers by location, position-based assignments remain the primary way to track compliance.

If you're setting up your organization's Workhub account for the first time, it could be wise to consolidate some positions. Every position you add to Workhub is one more position that needs to be maintained in the long run, and if you have 100 workers with 100 different positions, you will certainly want to merge some of them. For example, some companies simplify the positions they add on Workhub as Field, Labour, Driver, etc. Keeping it simple ensures you can update assignments easily. Having Jr. Accounts Payable Clerk, Sr. Accounts Payable Clerk and Director of Accounts Payable is probably a little too specific and may not be necessary. Instead, you could group all of them under Accounts Payable or even more generally as Office Staff if all Office Staff are going to have the same assignments in Workhub. Basically, if the positions have very similar requirements, you'll want to evaluate if any of them can be merged under a theme.

Creating Positions

From your Admin Dash, click on Positions & Roles.

Then click Add Position in the top right. In the screen that follows you'll set a name for the position, set a few optional details, and then save the position before you can dive into setting the permissions and assignments for the position.

First, give the new position a name following the recommendations in the preceding section. In the text box labelled Job Description you can type in or copy and paste some additional details about the position.

With the Reports To setting you can select another position that is immediately above the current one in your organization's hierarchy; this only serves to visually organize your positions list using nested indentation.

With Limit Access you can choose to restrict the position's access By Location or By Division which ensures that any workers in the position can only see items (workers, assets, forms, inspections, etc.) that belong to their location or division respectively. For example, if an admin user whose position has Limit Access: By Location enabled goes into the workers list, the list will automatically be filtered to show only workers in their own location and they would be unable to remove the filter.

Cloning a Position

If you have a Position that you would like to duplicate, we have a tool to do that! Duplicating or Cloning a Position will copy all the same assignments and permissions from your original Position to your new Position. This possibility means that if you have a selection of Workers who hold one Position for whom you need to make small adjustments for assignments or permissions, you can create a new Position without having to start from scratch.
To clone a Position, start on your Admin dashboard and open your Positions & Roles component. Locate the Position you would like to clone in your list, and follow its line across to the right side of the screen. Click the three dots aligned vertically, and select Clone.

You'll be brought to a screen for Position creation. You'll see the name of the Position listed as "Copy of Your Original Position". You can change that field to whatever you need, but be sure it's distinct from your original Position. Click the Save Clone Position button in the top right corner to save your new Position.

Your new Position will appear in your Position list, and reviewing the Assignments and Permissions will reveal the same information as your original Position. You can then make whatever changes you need to your Assignments and Permissions, and then you can hop over to your Workers component to change the Position for any Workers who need to hold that role.

Administering Positions

When you've finished putting in the desired position details and settings, click on Create Position in the top right. The new position will be saved and the window will be updated to show three additional tabs as highlighted below - Prior Versions, Assignments, Permissions and Worker Compliance - which are discussed in the following sections.

Prior Versions

The Prior Versions tab allows you to see historical changes to the Position. This can include things like alterations to the Position Name or the Job Description. This page will also provide a rationale for the change and the Worker who made the change.


Assignments are the primary way to make items available to your workers to complete from their own dashboards. This is a tab that you'll see in almost all the components in Workhub. When you click into a given position's Assignments tab, you'll see it further subdivided into sub-tabs that represent each of the responsibilities (or types of items) that you can assign to your workers, namely: Courses, Certificates, Policies, Procedures, Competencies, and Surveys.

In each sub-tab, there is a list of all the available items of that type, each of which can either be set to:

  • N/A (Not Applicable): items are not applicable to workers in the position and are not accessible to them

  • Optional: do not count towards a worker's compliance but are available should a worker choose to complete them

  • Required will count towards a worker's compliance meaning that a worker will not be 100% compliant until all required assignments are completed. You may have noticed that Required is further subdivided into four different levels of priority to choose from: Low, Medium, High and Critical. These levels will affect how high in the list of items to do the assigned item will appear.

You can update a position's assignments at any time, but be mindful that each time you add a new requirement it will cause existing workers in that position to fall out of compliance. No worries though, if you have set up periodic compliance reminders, your workers will receive notifications if they fall below 100% compliance.


Besides determining a worker's assignments, positions also determine a worker's privileges within the system, known as permissions. Whether a worker is allowed to view, insert, update, or delete any applicable items from their dashboard depends on their permision type. All workers in the same position will have the same permission type. Workhub defines three permisison types, namely: Worker Default, Admin Default, and Custom. The specific permissions that make up the Worker Default and Admin Default permission type are defined globally for your workhub account. These two types can be thought of as permission templates that you can apply to positions for your regular users and positions for your admin users respectively. Custom permission type allows you to modify the specific permissions for each position you create. You would normally set a position to have the Custom permission type when you want workers in the position to have some limited admin privileges.

Worker Compliance

The Worker Compliance tab is a quick and handy way to see the list of workers assigned to a position. You're able to see the compliance of each worker as well as the aggregate compliance of the position. From this page, you can click into the Workers listed and view their profile. You can also use the Download button in the top right corner of the page to download a PDF or CSV report of the information for the Workers in the Worker Compliance list.

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