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Account information, Workers, Positions & Roles, Locations & Divisions, and Assets

26 articles

Articles on using the Workers component

WorkersHow to create and manage your Workers
Custom Signup link (Admin)
Download a worker's Online Training certificate by Worker (Admin)Export all tickets for an employee in one place.
Adding Auditors to WorkhubHow do I give my auditor access to Workhub?
Assigning supervisors to workersAssigning supervisors to their direct reports
How to Reassign ResponsibilitiesReassigning Responsibilities before moving or setting workers as inactive
Worker Activity HistorySee login history, course attempts, certificate uploads, etc. for your workers.
How do I add a worker?Create new employees or contractors, and setup their profile with some basic information about them.
Review Correspondence to a worker (system generated emails)Ensure that workers are receiving all the correspondence they need to be successful in their compliance.
Reactivating an Inactive WorkerOnly active workers can access courses and contribute to company compliance status.
Listing a worker as TerminatedTerminated workers have no impact on the company compliance status, and can be reactivated if they resume their employment.
Deactivating a WorkerInactive employees and contractors don't get invoiced and are hibernated with their compliance intact.
Direct ReportsThe basics of what Direct Reports are and how they function.
Requesting a Compliance Copy
Green HandWhat does Green Hand mean on Workhub and how do I use it?
Managing Worker SignupsHow to create Workers from the Signup requests you receive as an Admin

Articles on using the Assets component

AssetsAdd equipment for easy tracking.

Articles related to Partner account management

PartnersThe Partner tool allows you insight into your clients