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Creating and Administering Custom Courses
Creating and Administering Custom Courses

Create custom courses specific to your company and assign them to your Workers

Updated this week

We do our best to cover a broad range of subjects with our course library, but we know we don't have everything for everyone. If you have training that you would like to administer to your Workers that isn't already contained within Workhub, you can create a Custom Course! Our custom builder allows you to create a course with as many lessons as you need with training material you already have.

Creating a Custom Course

To add a new custom course, click the Add New button and choose Custom Course.

The Custom Course creation screen is pretty simple! At the top of the screen, give your new course a Title. On the right side of the page, give your course a Course Contact and a Course Description. In the Course Icon panel, you can choose to use an icon provided in the list to be shown in the course list. You can also choose a colour for it, or you can click the upload arrow to add your own image.

Once you've chosen those elements of your lesson, you can click the Save button to create the framework of your course.

Lesson Creation

After saving your course, click the Add Lesson button to get started adding the content for your course.

In the lesson creation screen, provide your lesson a Title. Using the options listed across the top of the lesson, select which format you want your data to be:

  • Website Link: this allows you to enter a link to a site outside Workhub for workers to access.

    • This option will not play within Workhub. The quiz will become available right after the Worker clicks the link to the external site.

  • YouTube video: this allows you to link to a YouTube video for your Workers to access.

    • This option will play within Workhub. The quiz will only become available after the Worker has watched the video all the way through at regular speed.

  • Iframe code: this allows you to add an Iframe code to embed your own player within Workhub.

    • This option will play within Workhub. The quiz will become available immediately after the worker chooses to view the lesson.

  • Upload File: this allows you to upload your own content for your lesson. Formats can include:

    • MP4 video

    • HTML 5 presentation

    • PowerPoint

    • PDFs

    • Excel files (.xls, .csv)

    • Word files (.doc, .docx)

      • Workhub will enforce the full playthrough of MP4 and HTML 5 lessons within the page. The quiz will become available after the lesson has been viewed in full.

      • Other file formats will be downloaded to the worker's device and workers will be able to proceed to the quiz immediately.

Once you have your content in place, add your Training Time in minutes in the field to the right. For the YouTube video format, the system will automatically generate that value for you based on the video data.

Quiz Question Creation

After adding your lesson content, you can add quiz questions for your lesson. Each created lesson will need at least one quiz question to be assigned to your Workers! Every created lesson will start with a default quiz question. You can edit that question by clicking on it in your Quiz Question list. You can also choose to add more questions by clicking the Add Question button.

In the question creation screen, you can enter your question in the Quiz Question field. You can choose an image file to go with your question by clicking into the file browser in the Attached Image box.
For every question you create you can add up to six possible answers for your Workers to choose from when completing that question. Click the Add Answer button to include another possible answer.

To change the Possible Answer, click into the text field and type your own answer in that space. Use the Mark as Correct button beneath the answer that's right. You can optionally add an explanation to go along with your correct answer that will be displayed to Workers should they get the answer incorrect.

You can also use the Attach Image button beneath each answer to include an image file as a visual aid for the answers.

When you have your question and possible answers in place, click the Save button to finalize your changes.

You can add as many questions as you like to your lesson!

Lesson Topics

If you would like to provide your workers with a handout to accompany the lesson you've created, you can do so in the Topics tab at the top of your course screen. A Topic is essentially a handout to go along with your lesson. You can upload an image file in this screen that will be placed within a PDF for your Workers to download. They'll then have the image you supply side-by-side with a space intended for notes.

Click the Add Topic button to add a new topic. In the Topic Title that appears, type a name for your desired new topic. Click the Choose File button to find your file (possible formats include .jpg, .gif, or .png). After selecting your file and providing a title, click the green checkmark icon to save your changes.

Assigning your Custom Course

Once you have your course created, you must assign it to your Workers for it to be visible to them! There are two methods to do this: assigning one course to multiple Positions, or assigning multiple courses to one Position.

Method 1: assigning one course to multiple Positions

To assign a course to multiple Positions, you should start in your Course List on your Admin dash. Click into the course you want to assign, and navigate to the Assignments tab.

In the Assignments screen, you will see a column on the left populated by the Positions within your organization. Each line for a Position can be followed along to the right, where columns of requirement appear. For each Position, select a level of requirement for the course. The levels are:

  1. N/A: N/A means the Course will not be visible to or assigned to the Position

  2. Optional: this assignment level makes the Course visible in the list for that Position but does not make the Course required

  3. Required: The Required columns include low, medium, high, and critical. Any of them will list the Course as a red requirement for your Workers.

Click the radio button for the level of requirement you want for each Position. If you want the same level of requirement for all your Positions, you can click the All option at the top of the appropriate column.

Once you've assigned it to all your positions, Save Assignments.

Method 2: assigning the multiple courses to one Position

You can use this method if you've created a new position and don't want to go through each course individually enabling it for your newly created position.

Starting on your Admin dash, open your Positions & Roles component and click into the Position you want to make assignments for. Navigate to the Assignments tab, and under the Courses tab, you will see the assignment table with columns of requirement like the above example. In this case, however, the listings in the left column will be the courses that have been enabled within your account.

Set your requirement for your desired courses, and click the Save Assignments button when you're ready.

Need Help?

Those are the basic steps in in creating your custom courses . If you run into any trouble or if you have any questions, you can always contact our Support Centre for assistance. You can click the orange question mark Help Chat button in the bottom left corner of your screen for chat support.

You can also email our Support Centre at [email protected].

Finally, if your account is on a paid plan, you can also call in for phone support. The number for our Support Centre is 1-888-668-6403.

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