While Workhub offers over 300 modules to improve awareness of health & safety topics, you may find there are topics your workers need to be trained on that aren't covered. Workhub allows you to upload your own content or link to content elsewhere on the web. If you have a company orientation you'd like to upload, this is generally the best place for it. If you are looking to have content created for your company, feel free to contact us and we can get you some more details on the process and pricing.
Creating your Custom Course
Click the Online Training icon from your Admin Dashboard and navigate to the Custom Courses tab.
Click the Create Custom Course button in the top right corner of the screen.
The Custom Course creation screen will open for you and you can create details about the course itself. You will need to include a Course Name, Course Description, Course Contact, and you will need to upload a Course Image that will be displayed as the thumbnail in the course list. Once you've entered these details, click Save Course in the top right corner.
Your logo will already appear on certificates so you may want to upload something more related to your content. Having trouble? Search Google images with "Your Topic Icon"
Once your course has been saved, a new box will appear on this screen. You will now see a Create New Lesson button. Click that button to build a lesson and upload your course content.
The new lesson will open up in a separate layer. Here you can choose which format to upload your lesson in, whether it is a Youtube Video or an iFrame code to embed. You can also upload a file. The file size limit for a lesson is dependent on your account level: for an account on our Free plan, the maximum file size is 50MB for a lesson. For an account on our Paid plan, the maximum file size for a lesson is 200MB. Once you have a format (and file if needed) selected, you will need to add a Run Time as well.
Currently, you can add a file in any of the following formats:
External URL link
YouTube (you will need the alphanumeric code in the URL for the video, everything after the = sign but before the & )
iFrame such as SlideShare, Prezi, Microsoft Sway, etc.
Other File upload, including: PowerPoint, Word Doc, Excel file, MP4
PowerPoint files, word documents, and Excel files will be downloaded when a Worker chooses to view the lesson and the Take Quiz button will become available to them immediately after.
If you want the system to enforce the viewing of a lesson in its entirety before Workers can take a quiz, you need to upload a video file (MP4). This is the only file format Workhub will to view a lesson in its entirety before the Take Quiz button will activate.
When you're done, click Save Lesson, and a new box will appear on this screen prompting you to Add Question. At least one quiz question is mandatory for any created lesson.
A new layer will open up. You can enter your question in the Quiz Question field and can create up to 6 possible answers for your question. You can also upload images for the question and answers. Be sure to indicate which answer is the correct one using the Correct Answer button beneath your answer lines! You may want to add an explanation of the correct answer, which will appear if the worker gets the question wrong.
Once you click Save Question you will be able to continue adding questions for this custom course. Hitting Save Lesson will bring you back to the course page where you can add additional lessons. From here, hitting Save Course will save the whole course and add it to the main Course List.
Enabling your Custom Course
The last step is to navigate back to the main Course List, and enable the lessons within this course. Check off the box under Include in Course and hit Save Course.
You can include or exclude as many lessons as you see fit, but at least one lesson needs to be included in the course to be visible to Workers.
Assigning your Custom Course
Assigning your custom course needs to be done from the main course list. Assignment for custom courses works the same as your Workhub library courses. To assign your course, you can:
Select your desired course from the Course List
Ensure you've enabled the lessons in the course, as outlined above
Click into the Assignments tab along the top of the screen for that course
Select the assignment level you want for the Positions within your organization
Hit Save Assignments in the top right corner when you're happy with your selections
Creating or editing a Custom Course?
You need to do so from the Custom Courses tab.
Assigning your Custom Course?
You need to do so from the main Course List.