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Access Screening
Updated over a year ago

The AccessScreening tool allows Administrators to create custom questionnaires unique to each location that aide in screening for various criteria including COVID-19 assessments or site related questions such as required PPE or training and certifications. Workers can quickly scan in via QR code using the WorkerID mobile application that is also included for free. Visitor logs are stored along with answers and the related parties being visited; thus allowing for robust contact tracing in the event of exposure.

To begin building your screening questionnaire, head to your Admin dash and select Locations from the dashboard. Each location can have individual screening criteria, or questionnaires can be copied across each location.

Choose your desired Location and navigate to the Access Screening tab

You can choose to Add a Section and then add your questions individually and build them directly on Workhub.

Alternatively, you can select Import/Copy to build your questionnaire from an existing template, or copy it from another location in your company.

If building from a template, you can choose Copy Checklist to import the entire template, or you can select View which will allow you to select specific sections or questions to import.

Once imported, you can choose to allow n/a as an answer for specific questions, and you can also choose to allow comments on relevant questions. You can also double click on Yes/No to change the verbatim. The N/A option cannot be changed.

You can select the Preview button in the top right corner at any time to preview your questionnaire. This will show you how it will look to workers when they are completing the screening. Once the questionnaire is completed and Saved, it will automatically be active for that location. Viewing the Visitor Log, will allow you to track all workers who have been granted or denied access. You can use various date filters to find other workers who may have been present at the worksite during a particular time frame.

To access the screening itself, click the My Location card from your worker Dashboard, and select the Worksite Screening tab. On this page, you can choose whether you are performing this screening for yourself, another worker, a visitor, or a delivery/pickup. If scanning yourself or another worker, you can use the Scan Worker ID option to scan the QR code found on a worker's profile or use the Worker ID app, and this will populate the contact information listed on the worker's profile.

Note: If using the scan worker id option, you will be prompted to allow access to use the camera on your device to scan.

Once the screening questions have been completed, you can Submit Screening, and you will either be granted or denied access to the Worksite.

The Worker Manifest tab allows you to see all workers who are currently granted access to the worksite. Here, you can search through to find specific workers and sign out any workers who are no longer on site.

To view all workers who have visited the worksite, you can access the Visitor Log on the Admin side.

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