Our Polls component is a tool to help you gauge Worker sentiment about a one-time question. It's a very open-ended component, so you can ask your Workers about a broad variety of topics! Tailoring your Poll is a piece of cake, and here's how to slice it.
Creating your Poll
To begin creating your Poll, you'll need to start on your Admin dash and click into the Polls tile.
In the Polls page that opens for you, you'll see an Add Poll button in the top right corner. The Poll Creation screen looks like this:
Within this screen, the most important field you can fill is your Poll Question. Your Poll Question should be one that will have multiple answers to choose from, as Polls function by offering your Workers options to select from rather than soliciting written feedback.
You can enter your Poll Question at the top, and then create your possible answers beneath that. You can add up to six possible answers for your Poll, and using the Type toggle can allow Workers to choose a single selection or multiple selections when responding to a Poll. If you choose Multiple Selections, you can choose if there is a maximum, and can then set a maximum of two choices.
In the Poll Details box, you can choose your Recipients. This selection is made by choosing your Location(s) and then the Positions at those Locations. If you are looking to assign the Poll organization-wide, you can use the easy Select All options for both.
You can set a start and end date and time for your Poll to control how long Workers can submit responses, and can set a Priority for the poll for your Workers. You can also choose to notify your Workers of the Poll creation by email using the Send E-Mail Notification checkbox.
You can restrict who within your organization can respond to the Poll using the Compliance Completion Requirement slider. The slider should default to 50%, meaning your Workers will need at least 50% compliance to be able to participate in your Poll. In this way, you can use a Poll as an incentive to encourage your Workers to work towards full compliance.
If you want any of your Workers to be able to participate, you can set the slider to 0%!
Finally, you can choose to share or hide the general results of the Poll with your Workers. If you choose to share the results, you can then additionally choose to share detailed results with your Workers.
Once you're satisfied with the details of your Poll, you can click Post Poll in the top right corner of the screen.
Administering your Poll
Now that you have an Active Poll, you can review the Worker responses to the Poll.
In the Poll Detail screen, you will see your Question and Response Details in the body of the page. You'll see a pie graph in the Participation Rate box on the right side of the page, with the blue indicating Voted, orange indicating Not Voted, and grey indicating Restricted (meaning they fell beneath the compliance requirement level you've set!).
Beneath the participation rate, you'll see the Poll Details you set out in the Poll Creation.
Once Workers have begun voting in the Poll, the display will change to reflect those votes:
You can use the Download button in the top right corner to download a PDF of your Poll details and results.
If your Workers have left any comments in their responses, you'll be able to review those in the Comments tab. Comments will remain a Pending until an admin reviews them and chooses to Show or Hide the comment.
If you opt to share the comment, you'll see the options at the bottom of the comment change to reflect any upvotes left by other Workers or any comment replies.
You will also be able to see the Worker Responses in the Worker Responses tab:
If a Worker has made more than one selection for the Poll, their Response status will include a pill with the number of responses, and a tool tip (the "i" symbol) will list the answers the worker chose.
Polls will remain Active until the End Date and Time have passed. After that point, the Poll will lapse to Inactive and Workers will no longer be able to vote.