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Getting started with Google Forms

Use Google's free form tool to send submissions directly into SafetySync.

Updated over a week ago

If you're new to form tools, Google Forms is a great option to test out because it's free. Functionality is extremely limited and the setup is a bit clunky to get the forms into Workhub, but we can't fault Google too much since they're offering this for free. If you find the setup confusing, try out a free trial of any of the other form tools in our knowledge base.

First, create a Google Drive account. Once active, click the Create button and select Forms.
Build your form with the drag and drop options as provided:

After you are done adding fields. You`ll want to click on Responses and select the spreadsheet icon:

Rename the spreadsheet to your FormID=## from the form category in Workhub:

In the spreadsheet menu, click Tools >> Script Editor...
Replace the existing function by pasting this script into the tab:
This script sets up the functionality to send submission data to [email protected]. If you want to add multiple email addresses to be notified when the forms is submitted add it in directly, separated by a comma and a space.

See that super tiny save icon at the top, next to Run? Don't forget to click this or you will encounter some errors on future steps like I did.

Once saved, head to Edit >> Triggers
Once the G Suite Developer Hub loads, select Create New on the page.

Set the following options and save your changes:

There may be a fail message appear if you have popups blocked. You will need to enable popups so that Google can confirm they have permission to email on your behalf. You will be taken through a security approval process.

To give your workers access to the form directly from Workhub, head back to the spreadsheet page, click Form >> Go to live form. Copy the URL and paste this into the form details page on Workhub.

Some issues to watch out for as you start building more and more forms: if you copy forms and rename them to save time and remove questions within the form you must also remove the matching columns in the spreadsheet. The form will submit but the email won't go out because the script is confused by extra columns that aren't part of the form questions.

You can't have extra data in any of the cells on the spreadsheet outside of what the form populates. When the form is submitted the script will, again, be confused about extra cells that have data in them.

Sound a little confusing? It is Free :)

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