Note: We realize this article might be out of date and some of the information may not be accurate. We will keep it available for now in case it proves to be helpful.
Cognito Forms is a web-based form tool that uses private forms (your workers must login) to capture data. It's cost effective and has some good functionality behind it. The most expensive plan is $99 per month for up to 50 users, so all of you out there with more workers will want to contact them for additional pricing options.
To get started, click the Start Building Now button:
You can build your form using their simple drag and drop options. Once complete, click the Submission Settings link at the bottom:
Make sure Notification Emails are on and click the entry under the Notification Email header:
In the popup, send the form to [email protected] and set the subject line with your FormID=## from the form details page in Workhub:
Note, that I've added some variables in this section, you can access them by clicking the text field and you'll see an Insert Field action appear. Additionally, whenever you insert a variable it adds a space between the = sign, you'll need to remove this space.
Lastly, to give your workers access to the form directly from Workhub you'll need to Publish your form and grab the URL from the Share a Link section to paste into the form details page in Workhub: