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Getting started with DoForms

Send form submissions from doForms directly into Workhub using doForm's submission options.

Updated over 6 months ago

Note: We realize this article might be out of date and some of the information may not be accurate. We will keep it available for now in case it proves to be helpful.

Adding the doForms integration is a little different than other form tools, but there is some great functionality behind the scenes that is available to you once you understand the flow. doForms offers mobile support and extremely advanced options for populating question data. For example you could have a field that asks for the equipment that is being inspected, instead of typing up every equipment manually as an option you can upload a spreadsheet with the values or pull them directly from a database via their API. The logic based questions are the most advanced I've seen in any tool, so if you need complete customization, this tool is for you.

After creating your doForms account(tell them you're a customer of ours and you'll get a discount), head to the Build>Forms menu.

You need to add two things from the toolbar to setup the integration. Make sure these two items are added after your questions. First, add a Action Button:

In the settings for the Action Button we're going to choose an action of Save and send:

We'll also change the Action button text to Submit so it's clear for your workers what's happening when they click the button.

Next we need to add another action, this time the Email action:

In the settings, set the Default Value to [email protected] and click the Report settings button.

Then add the FormID=### from the form category in Workhub under the use custom text option before saving:

Whenever someone clicks the Submit button the form will be emailed to [email protected] with a PDF attached.

If you really dive deep with doForms you can add email actions that only fire when questions are answered in a particular way. For example, if an inspection fails, the form might be submitted to a supervisor where they have additional questions to fill out before it goes into Workhub.

With a little work, you can even pass variables into the subject line such as who filled the form out, a location, or equipment that the form is associated with.

Lastly, to give your workers access to the form from Workhub, head to the View Data tab once you've published the form and select your form, you'll see the Form Link option and you can paste the URL copied into the form details page in Workhub:

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