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Creating and assigning Forms

Making and assigning Forms is a cinch!

Updated over 11 months ago

Other Forms in Workhub is a great place to house and administer forms used for your safety operations. Examples include:

  • Hazard ID Report

  • Inspection Checklist

  • Safety Meeting Minutes

  • Emergency Drill

  • Toolbox Talks

Note: Although Workhub is designed for maintaining safety records, there is no boundary to the type of form that can be uploaded to the system. Common non-safety uses include payroll timesheets, purchase orders, etc.

Forms are essentially recordkeeping templates (blank documents with the structure you expect). Workers can be given access to these forms, which they use to fill in the information, at which point it becomes a Submission.

Note: forms can be in multiple formats including:

  • Web forms/Mobile forms

  • Excel

  • Word

  • PDF

Workhub recommends Web forms/Mobile forms as the preferred method of submission due to ease of use, extended functionality, field use, etc.

Creating a new Form

From your Admin portal, click on Other Forms

At the top right corner, Click the Add New button, then Form.

There are two choices for adding a form:

  1. Upload your existing form by clicking on the Create Form button.

  2. Select an existing form from the list of templates. Note: These can later be edited or replaced. Selecting the template from the list will bring you to the form which you can edit. 

If starting from a blank form you will see the page below.

You can add a Name for your Form at the top of the page.

Beneath that, you'll see the options to either use an Uploaded Form or Link to Online Form.
• For an Uploaded Form, drag and drop or click Browse Computer in the blue box to select the form file you want to supply to your Workers.
• For an Online Form, copy and paste the link to your Form in the Online Form URL field.

NOTE: For Online Forms, you will also need to utilize the FormID that is generated in the Form after it has been saved. Be sure to check back after you have saved to find that FormID to copy and paste it in the relevant fields for your Online Forms! The FormID is unique to each Form, so it is important that you copy it accurately. (For instructions on how to use online forms, please see our other Help Articles.)

Under those choices, you'll see a field called Worker Instructions. If you have particular instructions for the completion of the Form or its submission, this is a place you can include those instructions to be viewable by your Workers.

On the right side of the page, you'll see a box for Form Settings. Here you can edit the visibility and Submission automation.

You can choose to house the Form Category under a Section Header if you have created any. Sections are an easy way to organize your Forms if you have many categories created.

If you choose to Share Approved Submissions, any submitted records that have been approved will be available for all workers to view in My Portal. The same applies if you choose to Share Unapproved Submissions.

You also have the option to set a form category to Auto Approve. This means that submitted records no longer need to be verified by an admin and instead are processed automatically.

Finally, in that Form Settings box, make sure the toggle at the top of the box is set to Active. An Active Form will be viewable by Workers. If you want to remove the Form from use down the road, you can switch that toggle to Inactive to remove it from visibility but retain the Form Category and all the submissions for that category.

If you're happy with the Form you've set up, you can now click Save Form and you're done!

Assigning a new Form

Now that you've created your new Form, you need to assign it to your workers for it to be submitted. To do so, navigate to the Assignments & Frequency tab in the navigation ribbon at the top of the Form panel.

Forms are not assigned by Position, but can rather be assigned by Asset or by Location.

There are three levels of assignment requirement that can be chosen when assigning a Form:

N/A: A requirement level of N/A means the Form will not be visible to Workers. If you want to hide Forms from view of Workers, you can change all requirement levels to N/A.
Optional: A requirement level of Optional means the Form will be visible to Workers and can be filled out at their leisure. This requirement level is useful if you want the Form to be available to Workers but don't have a need for regular submissions.
Required Every: A requirement level of Required Every allows you to make the completion of the Form mandatory, and allows you to set the interval between submissions. This requirement level is useful if you need regular Form submissions. Required Every also allows you to choose from days, weeks, months, and years as intervals.

So, for example, if you have a Daily Pre-Trip Inspection Form that needs to be completed by drivers every day, you can set the requirement level for that Form to be Required Every: 1 day for an Asset Category of Trucks.

Once you've set the Assignments and Frequency for your Form, be sure to hit Save Assignments in the top right corner of the window.

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