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How to setup compliance based tracking for your workers.

Updated over a week ago

Assignments are what allow you to push out requirements to your workers and track their completion, which adds compliance for a worker. A 100% compliant worker is the goal of your company to ensure due diligence.

Assignment and Compliance

Assignments are set up for workers based on their position or their location. Position based assignments are the default method, while adding location based assignments adds a somewhat intense level of customization that we only recommend for large complex organizations.

Assignments can be setup three ways: Not Applicable, Optional, and Required.

Not Applicable assignments are not viewable by a worker. Assignments can be N/A for one position/location but optional or required for another position/location.

Optional assignments are, you guessed it, optional. They are available for the worker to take, but do not affect compliance.

Required assignments affect compliance. Workers start with 0% compliance and it will increase as they complete required assignments.

The only components that affect a Worker's compliance percentage score are those within the Onboarding & Compliance category, which include:

  • Online Training

  • Certificates

  • Policies

  • Procedures

  • Bulletins

  • Competencies

  • Orientations

Other categories within the software will be assignable to your Workers, as well as to Assets Categories and Locations, but will not count towards compliance. These include:

  • Surveys: assigned to Positions

  • Behaviour Observations: assigned to Positions

  • Action Items: assigned to individual Workers

Assignment and Ongoing Tasks

Other assignable elements of the software will not count towards organizational compliance, but are still important nonetheless! There are always ongoing tasks to be completed in the daily process of work, including things like inspections and incident reporting.

The categories within Workhub of Form Tools & Ongoing Tasks and Communication & Collaboration contain items that are assignable but do not count towards your organization's compliance.

Items in these categories are also largely assigned using different logic than the compliance components. They are assigned by either Asset Category or by Location.

Assignment by Asset Category

When assigning to an Asset Category, the items assigned will show up as being tied to the particular Category within the Assets component. This is possible with Inspections and Other Forms. An Asset Category will display which Forms and Inspections are assigned as options for it, allowing you to toggle between the two options to view what's available:

The Inspections and Forms assigned to those categories will be submittable against any of the Assets within those Categories. This means that if you have a Forklift Asset Category, you don't need to create an Inspection for every Forklift - you just need to create one, assign it to the Forklift Category, and all the forklifts in that category can be inspected the same way!

You can also assign Operators to individual Assets. If a Worker is assigned as an Operator of an Asset, that Asset will appear for them on their Worker dash and the Inspections and Forms associated with that Inspection will appear as a priority for them. Details for which Asset and which Inspection or Form can be found by the worker after clicking the tile.

The components in the software that are assignable by Asset Category include:

  • Inspections

  • Other Forms

Assignment by Location

When assigning by Location, the item being assigned will be visible to any workers listed at that Location. There is no way to assign an individual from a Location to be responsible for the items assigned to that Location. The items that need to be completed for a Location will show as red To Do items within the components that they are possible within.

The components within the software that are assignable by Location include:

  • Behaviour Observations

  • Inspections

  • Safety Meetings

  • Other Forms

The benefit of these methods of assignment - by Asset Category or by Location - is that it makes the task available to anyone who's associated with those Assets or those Locations. If you have four people who ordinarily would conduct inspections on one forklift, you have now empowered all four of those folks to submit and Inspection for that forklift, and, depending on the settings you choose for the Inspection, allowed them to see previous submissions for the same forklift. Similarly, you can have multiple people informed about the status of a Location and its assignments.

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