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Add equipment for easy tracking.

Updated over a week ago

Adding Assets into Workhub is beneficial for a number of reasons.

First, using forms and records, it lets you set the frequency in which maintenance and inspections are to be performed by asset category. Second, it lets you assign your assets to locations to keep track of where equipment is being stored and/or utilized. Third, it lets you assign action items to assets, such as specific repairs, scheduling training for workers, etc.

The first thing you’ll want to do, before adding any assets, is create any forms or inspections that will be relevant to the maintenance and usage of the equipment you will be adding. These will be forms such as vehicle maintenance forms, vehicle inspection checklists, etc.

Under the Administration panel on your Admin page, click Assets.

In the Asset List, you'll be able to see your Assets and any Categories you've created to organize your assets and assign any needed Forms and Inspections to them.

Adding Assets and Categories

To get started in this component, you'll need to create at least one Asset Category first. Categories are how you will assign any needed tasks to your Assets, so they need to exist before you add any assets. Click the Add New button in the top right corner, and choose Category.

The Category creation screen is pretty basic. The only necessary fields for your Category creation are the Category Name at the top of the page and the Asset Type selection. The options within the Asset Type selector are also very basic - you can choose from Vehicle or Other. Choosing Vehicle will add the options for VIN and Odometer readings to assets created in the category, and choosing Other will not add those fields. You can change this option later, so don't worry if you've chosen one and want to switch!

After creating the Category, you can now add any Assets you'd like. From your main Asset List, click Add New and choose Asset. You'll first be prompted to choose your Category, and then will progress onto the Asset details.

In the Asset Overview page, you'll see all the possible attributes to add information for your Asset. You can include anything pertinent for your assets in this screen. Once you're happy with the information associated with your Asset, hit Save Asset in the top right corner.

Adding Operators to your Assets

You may also want to add an Operator to your asset. Workers listed as Operators will see the Asset(s) they are charged with in the My Assets component on their Worker dash, and will be allowed quick and easy access to conduct any inspections or fill any forms associated with that Asset. An asset can have as many operators as you'd like. Clicking Add brings up a list of all the workers in your company to select from.

You'll also be able to see their competency status for any related competencies.

Clicking into the card allows them to filter by their assets, or their direct reports' assets.

Assigning Inspections and Other Forms

Within Workhub, the components in the Onboarding & Compliance category are assigned by worker Position. However, the components in the Form Tools & Ongoing Tasks are assigned by Asset or Location. This is an important consideration when creating your Inspections and Other Forms.


Let's say you have a Daily Pre-Trip Inspection that needs to be conducted before every drive of a vehicle in your fleet. You can use the Inspections tool to create the Inspection itself, and once it's been created, it needs to be assigned.

For every Inspection you create, you can select what Category of Inspection it is in the bottom right corner of the Settings.

If you choose Vehicle or Tool/Equipment, the Assignment options will default to allow you to choose between your Asset Categories.
If you choose Site, the Assignment option will default to allow you to choose between you Locations.
If you choose Other, you will be able to choose between Asset ID or Location. This allows you the flexibility to set it up how you like! Be sure to hit Save Inspection once you've made your choices.

Once you have chosen the Category, you can navigate Assignments & Frequency to assign your Inspection to your Assets or Locations.

For Assets, you will see the possible Asset Category names along the left side of the page. You can choose how frequently you want the Inspection to be completed by your Workers. The options include:

  • N/A: this means the Inspection will not be visible to your Workers at all

  • Optional: this means the Inspection will appear as an option within the Inspections list but Workers will not be reminded that the Inspection needs to be completed

  • Required Every: this option will allow you to choose how often the Inspection needs to be completed, with a numerical option in the first field and a selector with days, weeks, months, and years as time frame options. Match your numerical field with your time frame field to set your frequency.

Be sure to hit Save Assignments once you've set your choices.

Other Forms

Within the Other Forms component, you can create Forms that your Workers can fill in an submit as needed. Whether you opt to use an uploaded blank form or create a digital form through a third party, the assignment of Forms always works the same. In the Assignments & Frequency tab, you can choose whether your Form is assigned to Asset Categories or to Locations using the options near the top of the page. You can then set the assignment frequency for your Asset Categories as you see fit, just as in the Inspections!

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