Using Credentials

How to use the Credentials component

Updated over a week ago

Our Credentials component in a tool to house and showcase the credentials and achievements of your organization. You can add items like your business license, insurance information, or accolades like achieving a COR or SECOR certification!

You can upload any credential document using the Add Credential button in the top right corner of the screen.

In the new Credential screen, you can give your Credential a Name, upload your Credential document, and tailor your Settings for its status, type, issuing organization, expiration, and visibility. By

When you select a Credential Type, making a selection before you enter a Credential name will populate the name field with the Credential type selected. However, if you make a type selection after naming your Credential, the type selection will not affect the name you've chosen.

Making a Credential visible to your Workers will enable the component on your Workers' dash. You can also choose which locations within your account you would like the credential to be visible to Workers, allowing you to control how broadly the credential is available within your organization. From their dash, your Workers will then be able to view and download the document. Expired Credentials will still be visible with Workers until you decide to remove the visibility or if you deactivate the credential altogether.

From the admin dash, the Credentials component list will include most the information and settings you entered when creating the Credential. You will also be able to download a list of your Credentials using the Download button in the top right corner, either as a PDF or Excel document.

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