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How to unlock an Online Training quiz for a Worker
How to unlock an Online Training quiz for a Worker

Steps to manually unlock a quiz for workers

Updated over a week ago

While we do our best to ensure our Online Training component works well for all users, sometimes there are issues for Workers who are trying to complete their required training. Our Support team is always happy to help troubleshoot those issues, but if they defy our investigations or your Worker's hardware is simply not cooperating, we have a tool to allow you as an admin to bypass the lesson and let your Worker progress directly to the quiz.

We encourage workers and admins alike to reach out to us to try and find a solution to problems before using this tool!

To unlock a quiz for a Worker, there are two paths you can possibly follow:

  1. Through the Online Training component

  2. Through the Worker profile

Through the Online Training component

To unlock a quiz for a Worker through the Online Training component, begin on your Admin dash and open up Online Training.

Click into the course you want to unlock a lesson for. In that course, navigate to the Worker Compliance tab.
In the list, locate the Worker you want to unlock a quiz for. Follow their listing along to the right side and click on the three dots. In the menu that appears, choose Unlock Quiz.

In the pop-up that appears, select which lesson(s) you want to unlock the quiz for using the checkboxes. Enter a reason in the Reason field, and click Unlock to finalize your choice.

That Worker will then be able to bypass the lesson view for your selected lesson(s) and proceed directly to the quiz.

Through the Worker profile

To unlock a quiz for a Worker from their Worker profile, start on your Admin dash and open the Workers component.

Click into the Worker listing that you want to make changes for. In their profile, navigate to the Compliance tab. In their Compliance tab, click into Online Training.

In the Online Training screen, choose the course you want to unlock a quiz for and follow its listing along to the right side and click the three dots. In the menu that appears, select Unlock Quiz.

In the pop-up that appears, select which lesson(s) you want to unlock the quiz for using the checkboxes. Enter a reason in the Reason field and click Unlock to finalize your decision.

The Worker will then be able to bypass the lesson view(s) and proceed directly to the quiz for your selections.

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