Managing Worker Signups

How to create Workers from the Signup requests you receive as an Admin

Updated over a week ago

As an admin, you may receive requests from Workers to join your organization's Workhub account. Those Signups will appear for you in the Workers component:

When you click into the Signups tab, you'll see the outstanding requests from Workers to join your organization. Each of those Signup requests will include:

  • Signup Date

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Phone number

  • Position

  • Location

  • Supervisor

  • Status

  • Last Logged In

  • Action

For each Signup, you have two paths: Create Worker or Delete Signup.

Create Worker

If this Worker is someone who does indeed work for your organization, whether their Signup request was anticipated or not, you can choose to Create Worker. Keep in mind that any Worker you create using this Signup screen will become a Worker like those you create from scratch - they will have access to all the information your other Workers do, so use discretion when creating Workers from this page!

To create a Worker from a Signup, you will need to audit the information they have entered - is it correct? does it match the fields you have in your account? You'll need to make adjustments to the fields for the Worker before you're able to create them.

Incorrect or mismatched fields will be shown in red.

You can click into any of the text fields (First Name, Last Name, Position, Location, Supervisor) to make changes. The Signup Date and phone number are not changeable.

In each Signup request:

  • The Location field will always be incorrect. This is because the Worker Signup page prompts a Worker to choose a Country, rather than a Location that may exist within your organization's account.

  • The Supervisor field will always start out as blank - Workers aren't prompted to select a Supervisor when they sign up, so you can choose the appropriate Worker to be listed as a Supervisor by clicking into that field

  • The Status field will always show as Pending for standing requests and the Signups list will always default to show only Pending requests. You can remove the filter on the list to show previous Signup requests and what decision was made for them.

Once you've made whatever changes you see fit, you can click Create Worker to have the Worker added to your Worker List!

If you have received multiple requests from the same worker to have a profile created, you can create a profile for them from one request and delete the duplicates.

Delete Signup

If the Signup request you've received from a Worker isn't a name you recognize, isn't expected, or doesn't seem legitimate, you can conveniently choose to delete the Signup request. Simply click the Delete Signup button to remove the request from your list.

Reviewing Signup History

If you would like to review the history of the requests that have been handled by your organization, you can remove the Pending filter that is automatically applied to this page by clicking the X in the blue filter bubble at the top right corner of the list:

Removing that filter will populate the page with all previous requests, regardless of if they were created or deleted. There's no way to undo an action taken historically from this list, but you can peruse who had submitted requests and review information for Workers who may have submitted a request to have a profile whose request was deleted accidentally.

You may see multiple requests from the same person. This will often occur because the Signup process lets Workers know that their request has been submitted to admins for approval, but people often miss that message or don't believe their request was successfully submitted and so will submit multiple times.

If you're an admin and your organization is looking to onboard many new workers, you can use our Custom Signup Link tool to create a link to send to your Workers so they can access a more streamlined process for signing up directly for your company. Their requests will still register on this page, so be sure to keep an eye on your incoming requests!

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